The LOVE of money is the root of evil.

The featured image could feed a small village for several months while touching the hearts of many for eternity. 1 Timothy 6:10  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have… Read moreThe LOVE of money is the root of evil.

The LORD needs to build the house.

Does anyone recall why King David was unable to build the Temple? It was his Son who was able to build it because Solomon was not a man prone to violence. Being wise also helped him to build it as… Read moreThe LORD needs to build the house.

Drunk on the Blood of the Saints – Intervention is called for!

My step-dad as I have revealed in earlier posts was an enabler. Had he exercised tough love and stood his ground the addicted individual (my stepmother) could have sought treatment. Maybe even finally cried out to G-d if they had… Read moreDrunk on the Blood of the Saints – Intervention is called for!

66 Books 40 different writers over 1,500 years.

The third six reveals the harlot. The Bible is composed of 66 books by 40 different writers over 1,500 years, yet it has one consistent storyline running all the way through, and it has just one ultimate author — G-d… Read more66 Books 40 different writers over 1,500 years.