You can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

Jesus is going to establish HIS sovereign reign over planet earth and rule here. HE is the LORD of all planets as HE was instrumental in their creation because HE is God. In the Middle East, HE revealed HIMSELF in… Read moreYou can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

One Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

The first is a man not “born again,” not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT but spiritually sensitive enough to know God had plans for Abram and Sarai. Genesis 12:10-20 KJV (10)  And there was a famine in the land: and… Read moreOne Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

Gibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~

There are 39 Old Testament books in the Bible and 3×9 = 27 there are 27 New Testament books giving us a total of 66 books of the Bible, and the 6th book of the New Testament is Romans. Can… Read moreGibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~

Bind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

How many times have you heard people pray this or show their hate towards him? It is for G-d to bind him it is for us to be aware of him. He is real and so is hell and he has taken… Read moreBind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

I Love a Good Mystery

Throughout the ages, the best answer when you don’t know the answer for religious people has been “its a mystery”. Mark 4:11-12  And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of… Read moreI Love a Good Mystery

Play Ball

When you own the bat,  the ball,  the glove, and the field in which to play on you can be sure you get firsties. You get to pick your team first,  the rider of the Whitehorse of Revelation has a… Read morePlay Ball

A Tribute to Nikola Tesla a Push in the right Direction

Nikola Tesla was born July 10, 1856, shortly after midnight during an intense lightning storm. Both his parents were Orthodox Christians his father a priest in the Orthodox Church. Later in life, he turned from his faith seduced by Buddhism,… Read moreA Tribute to Nikola Tesla a Push in the right Direction

Things the POPE can’t do.

Turn water into wine, Walk on water, Heal the sick, Raise the dead, Take Jesus off the cross like a Protestant, Tell the truth. Turn stones into bread, or feed the flock with the bread he was given. Or tell you… Read moreThings the POPE can’t do.

Not looking for the approval of the Jesuit Judas

G-d has made HIS decision clear so why has no one rallied to lift up Jesus and open up the word to the lost? The whole world could see them and many have.   The unbelievers have more faith in them than believers… Read moreNot looking for the approval of the Jesuit Judas