We Showed Him Who’s Boss.

He thought he could just come in and slay a dragon and set captives free by opening the word of God to the world and telling us Jesus has a value that’s worth the world. Letting us know Christ is… Read moreWe Showed Him Who’s Boss.

You’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

I just went through this audiobook for my second time and if you have not heard it once,  you should. It’s a great way to test to see if you have the HOLY SPIRIT who God promised us would lead… Read moreYou’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

My Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

Like C.S. Lewis, whom Father took home at the age of 64 on the day they shot John F. Kennedy (Psalm 64:1-10) just to reveal we are not blind to what is going on, and we hold his church responsible…. Read moreMy Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

You can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

Jesus is going to establish HIS sovereign reign over planet earth and rule here. HE is the LORD of all planets as HE was instrumental in their creation because HE is God. In the Middle East, HE revealed HIMSELF in… Read moreYou can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

Family Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

The ultimate goal is to win the world to Jesus, and Peter was tasked with drawing the Jews to accept HIM as their Messiah and Lord. It has been with great effort that the enemy has held them from knowing… Read moreFamily Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

Let’s Agree not to Disagree about the blood shed for freedom.

Thank God for America’s soldiers who fought and died to defend our constitution and freedoms, including the most important one of all, the freedom to worship God that allows us to pray for them. With Jesus Christ comes freedom and… Read moreLet’s Agree not to Disagree about the blood shed for freedom.