What Edward Snowden revealed is only a tip of the iceberg. What he has done is to cripple the beast system temporarily and expose the plans of a group of men who set out to destroy America because we stood for freedom to rule ourselves instead of having others rule over us.
Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right 9/11 was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican. The true axis of evil who fund it and claim ignorance.
It should have opened the eyes of Christians everywhere that our country is no longer the America our founders began. That 9/11 was blamed on the wrong people as G-d has revealed in Protestant England, it was their greed behind it all. They never have enough, and they wanted the oil for us American’s??? Forcing the world to hate us. Why? Because Satan hates the U.S. He is their true god he even hated Germany for the Reformation and the printing press. Oil profiteers destroyed patents on alternative methods of fuel forcing the new world order agenda. It for them is all about the oil (erl). It is the beast system brought to us by men who continued a priest system of control and manipulation; one purposed the moment the state of Rome took up Christianity. From Babylon to Egypt the state enslaved its people using the priesthood it is the life of con men, with Rome it was the long con.
The dinosaur was used to help the enemy first begin building his new world order, and G-d is seeing that they help him complete it. One has to appreciate G-d’s humor in it all.
We have a chance to expose this great deception to the world while setting millions of souls free in time for the one resurrection that will be important to all.
We are going home, and we must prepare for the LORD to return. A clear indicator of that is ten kings giving the power to one the beast and good news is G-d still owns it all. That the kingdoms of the earth belong to HIM and he may place whomever, he wills in those positions and what better way to win souls?
Jesus ended what the devil began if the HOLY SPIRIT is not in you than the darkness is driving. How can you tell if darkness is in you? Do you subscribe to a Roman Priesthood? Do you believe one should still exist? After Jesus cried out, “It is finished!” This priesthood is bent on placing it all under their church the Mafia church. This system is a storefront for demons to work behind. That mock sacrifice Christ on mock altars never letting it end. It turned our America into a cesspool of demons because they left the gates open to hell and locked the ones to heaven, no one else held the keys.
This cake must have been baked by a Protestant someone who is elect and can’t be deceived. Because Priests live in darkness, they do not know what light is doing. See my last post Darkness Defined.
We founded and dedicated our Nation to G-d, and we did it as Protestants. I would rather be a servant in the Kingdom of G-d than a tormented soul in hell. WE The People ruling and choosing our leadership was supposed to take away the threat of a dictatorship. However, if a group of men with money start playing G-d and buying seats of power for their agents or killing leaders to place other leaders it is not of the people any longer, and it is certainly not of G-d. In fact, Rome was doing that before Jesus came Agrippa, Pilate, Herod they created the protection racket.
We do not use smoke and hocus pocus to elect our leaders we allow the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) to do it for us who are deceived by Rome as well. Donald Trump may be America’s last hope in helping us expose the truth about Camp FEMA. With a man of G-d a King from England with HOLY SPIRIT backing to encourage such a look at America. To help the world see the truth that people like Alex Jones has been telling them. What the devil meant for evil G-d will use for good.
JFK was killed because he almost gave them away in his speech on secret societies that oppose us around the world. There is none more secret than a priesthood that shouldn’t exist; it equates to millions of blind guides through the years defining for others what is evil and never letting the word in their hearts which is a clear indicator to me of no holy spirit and another Jesus.
Like the Oracle on an Ouija board, those without the HOLY SPIRIT are moved by demons and traitors support them.
This is how a Governments turns on their people; it is the priesthood of Babylon and Egypt all over. The false churches who do not know Christ fully speak up in support of ridiculous nonsense. Like the minister at my AG Church said as he extended the right hand of fellowship to me, ” We do not have to agree on everything to be friends in Christ.” well the Bible teaches different pastor look in Amos 3:3. That is from the priesthood who has their hooks in you and deceived you that is a Loyola teaching. A man who founded Catholic spying and deception. I will not be providing the AG church with any funds until you weed out your Jesuits. Cast down the darkness and promote the light, expose the enemies of man.
The intelligence community and I use that term loosely, spied on more Americans than they did foreign individuals. Either way invading one’s privacy or knowing what he is doing 24/7 is for G-d to know and not anyone else. There lies the beast wanting to be as G-d with the same power G-d has. This level of surveillance could only be possible by escalating war throwing more of our money at it. He is building our gallows using our money what we need to do is open HAMAN’s eyes. G-d, did promise him seven years to rule and as he does he will seize hold and place a chip on all that he will take into his place of darkness and torment because of being made in G-d’s image and nothing will change that. It is G-d’s wrath on humankind that mocked and ignored HIS SON and used HIS name as a cuss word.
The priesthood vilified the good and exalted evil (themselves) in the world, and they did it using the name of Jesus in Vain. They do not know HIM! So what does that mean to those who follow and support them?
They need their new world order they need a peace plan Psalm 21:11 and G-d will allow them to have it right after we are finished bringing them a taste of ours. Choose a side and see how G-d has set this all up to save the souls of the world.
Those who are left behind after the church is gone revealed they did not want to join us in our celebration with Jesus in heaven that I know we are going to begin here. The beast will drive many to the cross in the tribulation just as he has throughout the ages. This time it is in the millions.
Dictatorships can come in the form of religious men imposing their standards upon us the Protestant freedom we offered the lost only threatened their existence. Allah is coming to punish the Catholic’s if they do not denounce the priesthood and agree G-d’s SON’s honor is worth all they saved and then some. The best way to expose the devil who is invisible is to dress him up.
Ezekiel 28:17-19
(17) Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Covered in gold and precious stones G-d allowed him to dress up again. Now G-d placed a rattle that goes Nazi, Nazi, Nazi.
(18) Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.
They came for America’s power because the demons wanted it for their god.
(19) All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.
It is said men will give up their freedoms for security. I know where to find the best security and it doesn’t cost anything. The following Image is called Jesus my fallout shelter. It will put the MOB the CIA and others out of business for good because HE is coming back and I get to tell you about it.
There are 888 raised sections. 8 is the number of perfection in a triune grouping like this it all three in agreement Christ is the only way to be protected from death. 888 = Psalm 24 within the six-sided hexagon Psalm 24:6.
The Groom is on His way HE asked me to tell you.Make the paths straight the King is Coming.
The image was done by combining two crop circle formations that were done across the street from each other one was in the north the other in the south. It's time to prepare the bride and plan weddings to rehearse by. Do we have time? Well, I have a peace agreement for Israel.