As the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.

I was one of those kids who’s foster parent plopped them in front of the T.V. while my foster-mother chatted on the phone for hours with her sister.  Speaking in a language, I didn’t understand “French.” She had been raised… Read moreAs the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.

This news is the only news we need to know!

Jesus is Lord the Plan of God. A story that never changes and brings hope and comfort to all. You can be sure what Jesus did for you was not fake. While Politics has become like the World Wrestling Federation… Read moreThis news is the only news we need to know!

The High Cost of Cheap Prices

[notice]Fun Fact: The Metric System according to History had its start in the 16th and 17th century  (History of the Metric System).  However, we find the original first pyramid built without its top on (incomplete) has the outer diameter distance from… Read moreThe High Cost of Cheap Prices

More NASA Minus T and Counting… Hey those Letters Spell SATAN or SANTA

I have been perusing several YouTube channels concerning NASA and the false information people have been revealing. What makes the above image so special is that former President Georg Bush is being pushed in a chair while the camera is focused… Read moreMore NASA Minus T and Counting… Hey those Letters Spell SATAN or SANTA