It’s Just Not Fair Father they have so much and we have so little :) Like Gideon!

The map below is found on the Catholic Jesuits website. We are never getting America back again! When you give something to the devil he never gives it back unless you have something he want’s more than anything else in… Read moreIt’s Just Not Fair Father they have so much and we have so little :) Like Gideon!

The Magic Box vs the Card Trick

When Daniel was in Babylon he was well respected and his prophecies recorded along with his visions.  Educating what we discover later as the Magi (we get our word Magic from) who understanding the prophecies followed the star to Bethlehem… Read moreThe Magic Box vs the Card Trick

About That Flying Saucer Subscription on Some of the Sites

I want the world to know that it was not flying saucers or aliens that removed the Christians from the earth; it was the resurrection we hoped many of you would join us in. It is only going to happen once; there isn’t another plan in the making. I want to let the world know that at some point. The enemy is going to tell you it was saucers and aliens and continue to deny God.   You will…

Children Belong to God

  A rattle comforts a crying child, and we are called the children of God. We lose children in wars and other violent ways. Fear not; they are in a better place—more about this after the Psalms that this crop circle highlights. The rattle handle has three circles, so it is the trinity holding it out to a spirit. Let’s find out whose spirit this touches.  When I first saw it, it touched mine. We are counting the…