First human body that did not see death and was taken into heaven.

Could the spirit of Enoch be here living in another body?  To return when the church is gone would mean nothing to those who never read the Bible which is everyone who will be left behind.  It would be like my… Read moreFirst human body that did not see death and was taken into heaven.

Son’s of God descendants of Seth???

If you have heard this and buy its logic you should know it is replete with error. The prince of darkness is hiding his existence and possibly the fact the first rebellion took on bodies of flesh while awaiting G-d’s justice… Read moreSon’s of God descendants of Seth???

It Really is a Pickle…

Building the NEW WORLD ORDER,  I love Jesus so much for this. It had begun before man was placed on the earth, someone wanted to show the ancient aliens that they did not need to worship the most High G-d… Read moreIt Really is a Pickle…

Will the real Antichrist please stand up.

The lead image is that of puritan men and those who were not in league with the devil to keep the word away from the world. Those who opened the Bible were called Antichrist by the Antichrists. Too bad many… Read moreWill the real Antichrist please stand up.

Incredible Coincidences

I was recently called a dirt bag by a man who played down G-d’s lamps in a sermon involving Genesis 15:17. Then after the message he left an opening for me to move in some sort of Smith Wigglesworth way…. Read moreIncredible Coincidences