Lifting HIS name on High
Do you have the HOLY SPIRIT? By the end of this, you will know if you do and how much of HIM you may have or not have. He will confirm truth HE is the third part of the Trinity;… Read moreLifting HIS name on High
Do you have the HOLY SPIRIT? By the end of this, you will know if you do and how much of HIM you may have or not have. He will confirm truth HE is the third part of the Trinity;… Read moreLifting HIS name on High
How old was Abel before he was killed by Cain? We are going to get very close based on the information given us. No matter what we conclude he was the first casualty of the war murdered by his own… Read moreThe age of Abel.
It is just like darkness to be looking for their leader at the top of the hill. While saying on the other side of their mouth, G-d is in control. G-d chooses to set up one and bring down another…. Read moreTake us to our leader!
The peace plan for the world is in only one book as is the greatest prize. We are in the last moments of the battle, and I have the world’s peace plan. Only the charismatic churches want me to include… Read moreDefining the Battle bringing Peace.
Time is up for man he has had 6000 years to complete his governments and Jesus is coming to set up HIS. I did this first clock half fast, and Jesus came to me to help me do it right…. Read moreG-d’s Clock Says Times UP.
The light always shines on is Jesus and truth, HE is the focus of all that G-d is doing, drawing the world’s attention to HIS Son’s finished work upon the cross. People who have that light seek to promote and… Read moreWho has light and who doesn’t?
Is the Spirit and the Spirit can only grow as you feed HIM the word, stand on the word of G-d written by the Spirit of G-d so that you can endure sound doctrine and not fall for the doctrines of… Read moreThe Greatest Gift of the Spirit
This image reveals, the angels of G-d hanging off a starship with their fishing lures and the message is clear catch the big fish and the little ones will follow. Leaving planet earth and going to our eternal home everyone… Read moreA Fishing Derby For Jesus
“Am I, therefore, become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Gal. 4:16 The two witnesses must be two men who are known to the world to be a useful tool in the hands of G-d. The world does… Read moreThe final two witnesses, what’s that about?
We are in prison placed here by rebellion and doubt. The whole purpose of man is to glorify G-d and to enjoy HIS presence. G-d created man and that He created him for His glory Isaiah 43:7, Psalm 100:2–3… Read moreGet out of Jail Free
Confess our sins, and only under the anointing of G-d’s Holy Spirit, will we be able also to admit that G-d’s Honor is worth the world. Jesus said, “If I am lifted up I will draw all men, unto me.”… Read moreWe will all do this before the resurrection or stay for the tribulation guaranteed.
A friend is someone who has your back and won’t sell you out because of peer pressure. He stands firm and does not fold. He knows the value of you as a friend. He respects the words you have spoken… Read moreFinding A Friend