Meet Mary Queen of Death not Mary Mother of Jesus

Joseph was betrothed to Mary which means they were engaged to be married as men and women did so in those days. Joseph intended to wed her to honor the call of God to go forth and multiply and “REPLENISH”… Read more<i class="fad fa-file-audio"></i>Meet Mary Queen of Death not Mary Mother of Jesus

Blinded by Love the Samson Story

Jeremiah 17:7-10 KJV (7)  Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. (8)  For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river,… Read moreBlinded by Love the Samson Story

Conspiracy theorists were right so now what?

Christians have been telling you of the conspiracy for two thousand years the plan to  separate you from a relationship  with G-d and be lost from your maker forever. Conspiracy theorists are as Watchmen trying to warn you of what evil… Read moreConspiracy theorists were right so now what?

Looking at the MOST HIGH

I have been a believer in G-d from the day I arrived on the planet earth 6:10:59 when these numbers are added together we have 75 or 15 x 5 or 555 Five days a week 555 will always come before… Read moreLooking at the MOST HIGH

A Tribute to Nikola Tesla a Push in the right Direction

Nikola Tesla was born July 10, 1856, shortly after midnight during an intense lightning storm. Both his parents were Orthodox Christians his father a priest in the Orthodox Church. Later in life, he turned from his faith seduced by Buddhism,… Read moreA Tribute to Nikola Tesla a Push in the right Direction

America G-d’s Final Frontier

“When the nation came into being on 4 July 1776, no one had been born a citizen. The declaration was a revolutionary document: it aimed to overthrow tyranny and create a new government through the power of collective action. For all its… Read moreAmerica G-d’s Final Frontier

They didn’t know the SON!

We are forewarned that liars will have their part in the lake of fire, that G-d detests those who would lie. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (4)  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: (5) And thou shalt love the… Read moreThey didn’t know the SON!

The Crossing

I noticed that ABC’s new series was canceled after only one season. It just so happens I attend a Church that goes by the very same name, I’m sure it’s just one of those weird coincidences that keep propping up in… Read moreThe Crossing

If I leave her with one Golden Cup will that Help?

Who is this woman who rides the beast?  The beast with all those horns?   Horn’s represent power so that you know. These are not the kind you find on your steering wheel, but they have a similar purpose they warn others… Read moreIf I leave her with one Golden Cup will that Help?

Smoke and Mirrors and the art of Electing your Leaders for You.

As a Christian or even a non-Christian, you should be outraged at the lies that you succumb to every day.  The Bible teaches Christian’s we are given the HOLY SPIRIT to testify of Christ the other incredible advantage is the… Read moreSmoke and Mirrors and the art of Electing your Leaders for You.

True saints vs false saints.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice,… Read moreTrue saints vs false saints.
