The Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

April 10th, 2022, was Palm Sunday Easter week, and I had chosen to spend it with my only son. We met up in Ft. Lauderdale; he flew in from California. He is my only lineage, past or present that I… Read moreThe Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

Thank You For the Following Men Who Serve You LORD Support them LORD Have Your Children Subscribe to Them.

The image of the new Jerusalem in crop fields of England each gate is framed by an inverted pyramid/triangle shape winged angels standing guard behind them comprised of two raised sections for twelve. The star of David in the Center… Read moreThank You For the Following Men Who Serve You LORD Support them LORD Have Your Children Subscribe to Them.

God Has Enemies Then There’s Apostasy UPDATED

hosts of heaven sending Satan into the pit.

The Beatles song “Yesterday” was a great tune in my day. My Methodist friend, whose parents were in the choir, turned me on to the Beatles and introduced me to porn that his father kept in his bedroom nightstand at… Read moreGod Has Enemies Then There’s Apostasy <span class="pa-callout-right">UPDATED</span>

Part 2-It is Germ Warfare so rapture closer than ever.

You need to wake up if you cannot see the antichurch making one more attempt at killing Protestantism. It should be evident to many in the Church questionable gifts came into the Church after Vatican two. What appeared to be… Read morePart 2-It is Germ Warfare so rapture closer than ever.

Miss Interpretation lead to Missed Representation It’s Germ Warfare – Part 1

I was told by a man at the time I had respect towards a Pastor and long-time old friend whom I stated in one of his services that I had won.  Jesus came to me and said, “tag your it.” … Read moreMiss Interpretation lead to Missed Representation It’s Germ Warfare – Part 1

Interceding for those who made poor life Choices.

This image has been used before in a post named “Congratulations, Abraham.  It’s a Boy!” The passage this points to can be found in counting the circles on the male upper torso.  Knowing the story is just as important.  In… Read moreInterceding for those who made poor life Choices.