Improved Lights Entering the World to Light the Way For Christ.

Well, not improved; after all, Jesus Christ created all the animals.  Man can’t do that with all his high-tech gear. We can make life and take life away. However, that was part of the fall, the first one that is. There have been three significant fallings since God began this.   I only said they were improved to draw your attention to them and get somebody’s goat, and he knows who he is. This is a continuation of Sharing the…

Stop Messing With Israel

The raised blast particles are 27 or two 77 the other seven make up the bomb 777. Psalm 27:1-14 (note 2×7 is 14) This works out really well when rightly dividing the word of God. Psalm 14:1-7 (14/2=7) we will divide the world and destroy the wicked using Israel as the Standard, God’s woman who gave us a SON. 27 plus the bombs seven sections places us at the final and third Psalm 34:1-22 Psalm 34:7. God is…