The Bible tells the stories the crop circles point to those stories. Why crop circles? It’s Final Harvest time by 2020; we will all be seeing a whole lot clearer; that’s our Father’s sense of humor. The last “Trump” is about to sound. If you have any loved ones, you would like to bring to the LORD this site can help. G-d proves HE IS and HIS WORD is reliable, and HE keeps HIS Promises.
Psalms 100:3-5 (3) Know ye that the LORD he is G-d: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (4) Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (5) For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
This is the last generation the youngest in creation. We are all the children of our great, great ancestors some in glory, some in torment because they rejected G-d, HE did not reject them. When building a utopian society, you want to be with those who want to be with you. The ones in torment are hoping like the story of “Lazarus and the Rich Man” (Luke 16:19-31), that his family does not end up where he went.
In the image of Lazarus on the left, we find two thrones one is Holy one is not. Three angels are en route to send one soul (four total) into the abyss of hell. The abyss has four lines. 2 x 8 = 16 For Luke 16:19-31 once one spirit is removed, we then have 2 x 7 for Psalm 14:1-7 and why he might have been tossed in.
Father thought it would be nice to put pictures with HIS word for those who are spiritually immature, knowing there will be a lot of newborns coming and be given corrupted scriptures. I would like to do this in one accord. Instead of waiting for the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are now waiting for the return of Christ. I have been given the honor of telling you HE IS ON HIS WAY.
To say we do not have to agree on everything to be friends in Christ is to neglect Amos 3:3.
Look at this wonderful bowl of soup (new translations), and the cook only drooled in it a little…Yum. Want to know what the devil is hiding from you? He must have a good reason, or he wouldn’t hide it. It could mean the difference of a loved one or two in his home for eternity. Take a KJV and compare, whatever he hid. We need to expose it, to help the cause of reconciliation.
Many of the Psalms of David are referenced by the crop images. Why? (Acts 13:22)
[important] When you see characters in the timeline that look like they are out of order it is to explain the events in the timeline. For example, we know Noah comes before Joseph, but Joseph reveals the rebellion in heaven that came before the making of man. In heaven, the jealousy and strife are over the Son, who was given the special covering. The covering because of the others mocking him turns and leads the rebellion questioning is the worship of the SON necessary or not to maintain a society? I will do the best; I can too rightly divide the word to show to you the full story as G-d has revealed it to me. Technology is a two-edged sword as well, today we have the capability of flight; we are able to transmit these images all over the globe. "The whole world shall hear the gospel message, and then the end shall come." Matthew 24:14 [/important]
The following two images represent Genesis, in the beginning, G-d Spoke. G-d is spirit in many of the images you will note HE references himself as holy, therefore, a complete circle with a hole in the center to clarify HOLY. To prove it is HIM one year later, HE dispatches the returned answer to the Arecibo message sent by Carl Sagan, who did not believe in G-d. The methods in which the messages are transmitted are at the bottom of each.
To think of all that money wasted when they could have just spent time with intelligent life on their knees. He was listening to them the minute they dreamed it up. The enemy gave them the idea for the message; Father just ran with it. They should have read their Bible now Carl Sagan is spending billions and billions of years away from intelligent life and being tormented in eternity. He had heard about G-d's Son and chose not to inspect the sacrifice.
Those who inspect the sacrifice become members of a Holy Nation a Royal Priesthood the only Priesthood G-d seeks. Keep in mind HE wanted all of Israel to be priests to HIM in Christ; HE fulfills HIS desire.
G-d Spoke and Bang!
This is the beginning the big-bang GOD SPOKE the angels, and the heavens are created. The orbs are common angels / spirit. Then we have Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangels. We begin with Michael and Gabriel loyalist to the Crown. Lucifer is the last and comes to enforce and restore the worship back to the Son of G-d the most high. The others are jealous and push him away never asking how they can help. The upper and lower sections are split and equal, mirrored on earth as it was in heaven.
I know this represents the voice of G-d because one year later the return Arecibo message appears in the same field seen below. In the place of the transmitter that showed how the original message was sent. We find this image.
The angels asked to see the Son to look on the most high, It meant man would need to be made. They would surely die for having insisted. Hebrews 13:2.
Compare the communication device in the returned Carl Sagan Aricebo message a year after and to the day the above G-d spoke appeared.
Right the original message sent.
[notice]Any image can be enlarged by clicking on it.[/notice]
The other feature that stood out to those in the know is that the population size is approximately 21.3 billion. 1/3 of 21 is 7 billion 1/3 of the angels fell from heaven.
We are exceeding that number in our population. This knowledge should raise a few eyebrows. That and knowing that the angels have no gender.
Who did G-d send as the example for all of the creation? How did HE get here? Are the angels better than HIM? Hebrews 13:2.
Some people think they are better than HIM, and they are not. The angels only want those who are like Christ in heaven, being born again is a must John 3:3. The meek inherit the kingdom of G-d, not the Nimrod's.
Mankind looks for men of strength and power, not those whose strength and power are in the LORD. The truth is without Christ; we are all powerless to stand before a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD.
The face appeared at the same time. Note the transmission station in the image. G-d is trying to communicate through one man??? At the same time, the image of the face also appeared G-d made man in HIS image. This image looks almost like my son. I'm sure it's only coincidental. G-d speaks through men.
Angels as they are seen on NASA videos here they play follow the elder. The people are standing in the sun as it seems to be enlarged like a lake of fire. When Christ creates the new heaven and earth, this SUN will go Super NOVA a word not found in ancient times a lake of fire means the same thing. All the souls not in heaven will remain here, The members only area is for those who come under and are washed in the blood of Christ. The rest which looks like bacteria are demons not allowed in. You don't want them on you so you wash with Anti-bacterial soap. If you want them out of you need to wash in the blood of Christ by getting to know HIM.
Above heaven is big it can consume eight planets in our own solar system. 21 plus billion are very manageable in heaven using the 24 elders they serve Jesus. The principal elder was the first in a lot of things. Genesis 4:4 and Revelation 4:4 or what I abbreviate as GR44 it's GREAT the hard way. G-d stepped back and saw that it was GREAT. First seven days in creation it is only good in the end it is great. Everyone who wants to be there will be. There is no more suffering and no more pain, they chose correctly. 8-)
Part Two: The start of the war the beginning of the new world order BECAUSE OF THIS THE WHOLE EARTH SHALL MOURN
The Bible tells us of a war in heaven. Many scholars say Lucifer led the rebellion. He did, but he did not start it. He was created to restore worship to the Son, correctly viewed he was Homeland Security. Those who would not come back to the place of worship turned him through chiding and mockery. Whether we care to admit it or not we shape our leaders as well. That's how you get a 100-year-old church building without one expansion project. Free will works the same everywhere joy, and happiness can only come from the source who created it. Those who are not joyful or happy do not know the creator. Those who are without him are not considering the long term, their happiness is temporary and usually involves material means at a cost.
This image reveals half holy ones shaping their leadership. A practice we still do to this day. Paul Washer or I would not be welcome in most Churches, and we have the priesthood to thank for that. Here they may be saying "Come and side with us if we all stand together we can take the kingdom by force! "
This is his present form note his famous horns the waters stains represent the fires of hell.
The covering is bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not to be, so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses to look at. It would bring us to Isaiah 14:12-15. He is of course two-faced 14 x 2 = Ezekiel 28:12-15.
Time passes and the angels begin to stop coming to the worship services held for the most high "G-d the Son" in whom many wait patiently to appear. With the demand being high to see the Son, G-d the Father fashions a covering for HIM placing HIS Spirit within Lucifer in a measure. Lucifer tries to convince the angels the Son is in him only they laugh and mock him. Some even ask him to prove it by making a planet or a star. Is it any wonder why he does it to us or asked Jesus to turn stones into bread? We bear the light he once carried only ours is as bright as what we feed on, the fuel (the word). The image reveals they turned him against the Father.
Look Father your precious Son is dead to us. We reject your covering.
Another story we read in the Bible tells us about this jealousy.
These are the twelve tribes of Israel. The sons of Jacob according to age each tower has three sides 3 x 12 =36 Genesis 36, we find the descendants of Esau.
G-d has many children just like Jacob but two stand out.
It is the story of Joseph the coat of colors given to him; he is the archetype for Christ, the story reveals a heavenly event that took place before man was made.
G-d used precious stones to fashion Lucifer the bearer of light to cover HIS SON and place the Son's light within him. The key word is PRECIOUS!
We have this same light in us who believe. Too much light and we see what darkness is up to. When I first got the call trusted saints appeared to me as helping the dragon more than Christ.
The wise angels seen Lucifer's beauty and size and knew something bad was coming and returned to worship the Son. It is our hope ( Father, Son, Holy Spirit and I) This same thing is conjured up in the minds of men, and they seek repentance in time for resurrection. Father had said often, not too worship the Son would be disastrous. To see the Son would bring death. Angels asked what is death?
Note "when" the coat of colors comes into the picture with Joseph it is prior to his exile into Egypt this is proof enough for me to say Lucifer was more towards the end, and the first enforcer created. Notice how he has stolen our freedoms for his false security. It's good for the Fatherland they say, sorry I meant homeland!
Nowhere in the Bible does it say he was first High-Ranking Angel long-time friend of G-d. Like us Born Again's he was G-d's friend because of whom he carried in him. Until he turned against G-d by the reason of his beauty and the not so nice things, everyone was saying about him.
The fact it doesn't say he was the first or the last, while many say he was first one is enough evidence for me to say he was not. He speaks through people just like our heavenly Father and when every priesthood that belongs to him speaks of him; it is always with such respect and admiration for him.
The only priesthood G-d called was made up of the people of Abraham, they reveal him as a monster who hates who G-d loves. Abel would be a longer-term friend of G-d than Lucifer ever was. At least, he would know his place and how foolish it is to think any man or angel could be a god. Abel preceded Adam in heaven by nearly 800 years. Adam was 130 when Seth was born, Did Abel accidentally smashed his head on the rock his brother Cain was carrying? No, he was killed because G-d had respect for his offering. This is the first time after the fall G-d comes out.
A well-meaning teacher said he learned to sacrifice from Adam but nowhere in scripture does it say Adam ever made a sacrifice. So now who is adding to the word? Abel reasoned what G-d was looking for, if he knew what G-d wanted at the beginning, wouldn't it make sense; he would know what G-d wanted in the end?
The angels are represented by the children born to Leah, the woman Jacob did not labor so hard for. She is the one behind the veil. Rachel is the earth which father worked hardest for. Benjamin represents our heavenly Father's adopted SON named twice. Son of sorrow, Ben-Oni, Son of his right hand Benjamin. I stand on it is Abel firstborn among the angels, original shepherd, the first casualty of the war. A picture to them of the promise. Abel means "breath" changed to Babel???
I am excited, they are my initials. According to the Bible, the city received the name "Babel" from the Hebrew word balal, meaning to jumble or to confuse. We need to remove the confusion.
Jesus's seven years was cut short his actual ministry began when HIS mother asked HIM to start in Canaan at the wedding HIS ministry only lasted 3.5 years from that point. The antichrist gets seven years, and fair is fair so the Son should have seven years. I see a new light bearer in the making. The horseman of the apocalypse is framed by two white horses riding in and riding on.
Paul, the apostle, reinforces his place among the tribe of Benjamin, who was once named Saul. He championed the church but not before persecuting it. Joseph has come done HIS work. Benjamin now comes at the end of the age into Egypt. To say what was meant for evil G-d meant for good.
Let us get back to before the making of man. Now that we have seen the events that occurred in heaven played out in man. The New World Order begins after Lucifer, and his angels are cast out of heaven. He is going to show all the angels how we do not need the Son to have a society. He has no law, giving me the impression he has no brains. The Antichrist suffers a head wound in the end and there is a good reason for that. It also says to those who do not make resurrection, they do not need a leader with any brains if they reject Christ, they deserve what they get.
I read the timeline like this TRINITY the Son invisible before man, Angels, then dinosaurs to explain death to them. I would rather see monsters with little brains kill each other rather than watching the image of G-d fighting himself. HE is delaying the making of man, the Son being "PRECIOUS" to the Father plus it would provide oil to expose his enemy in the end through his greed and expose the priesthood Satan resurrected to steal for him. Lucifer came some six thousand years before man was made it was he who started the New World Order Proverbs 11:1 G-d would not expect less of himself.
[important]To deny a pre-Adam existence is to be ignorant of the reason man was made. The Bible clearly does not with all its physical references to heavenly events. The clues to find what was lying out in Egypt were in the Bible no other book could have shown that truth. To say that dinosaurs were made the same week as man reveals that Christ is less precious to you than HE is to HIS Father. No doubt the priesthood which condemned Galileo came up with this idea. Build walls and send people to hell what kind of monsters are these who call themselves "Christian"? There is more evidence physical, and in the Bible that they existed before man and some survived. What came first the egg or the dinosaur who is born from the egg? Satan used them to build his insult and G-d is utilizing them for oil to expose him he is above all greedy. To see the invisible man G-d allowed him to redress himself in his priesthood that made slaves of men to build his new world order. [/important]
Jeremiah 4:27-28 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end. (28) For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.
The priesthood began in Babylon it made slaves using the fear over the people of their eternal destiny. The priesthoods father before Moses is the devil and they lie to keep their positions of power. It transfers to Egypt the State and the priesthood keep the people in check.
Jesus said, "Before Abraham was I am."John 8:58 and "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. " John 12:32. G-d is the great "I am" the G-d of the living used to tell Moses, who had sent him Exodus 3:13-14. We also know before Abraham's descendants enter Egypt that the symbols are there, the symbols of Good and Evil. The New World Order began before man was created.
The great seal was designed by a Bible Scholar and Christian Charles Thomson first secretary to the Continental Congress who spotted it in the Bible. A certain group picks up the seal to keep the truth alive. They are hailed as Satanists by the Priesthood who serve Satan in the guise of Christianity.
The clue is in this next passage who wrote it? Why is he not saying where? It is for us to look closer at the passage and see HE is pointing to something Charles Thomson found it and so did I.
Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
G-d sets captives free; HE does not make slaves. These people forgot what Joseph had done for them. Just as we have forgotten what G-d has done for us in Christ. He removed the fear of death and ended the priesthood that originally was begun by the wicked. Scattering HIS only ordained priesthood that will be needed at the end for us to expose the false priesthood driving souls to the cross and get the temple rebuilt at the same time. How cool is that?
Part Three: The Second Rebellion Revealing Eight for new Beginnings
To save all of humanity, or only the chosen ones within humanity, we need an ally in the heavens to help keep the New World Order the enemy began from happening. Just until we get the peace plan in place to rebuild the temple. As we properly execute G-d's plan the new world order falls into place? Haman, will see his gallows coming together and maybe even chose to repent.
They still did not repent even seeing G-d drawing the animals to the ark. The same may happen while calling out the 144,000 let's pray they repent.
The idea add all the eights you can find and subtract one. What do you do with it put it in your heart where it belongs.
Noah's flood happens long after another rebellion has taken place in heaven the sons of G-d took on flesh and took the women meant for men to themselves thus mixing the DNA. They end up blaming the faithless first group which rebelled for having lost their place in heaven. The temptation for the women was brought on by the one who rejected the light he carried in the first place. The mocking and ridicule he received were even too much for the one whom HE carried. Forcing G-d's hand to make man and reveal HIS Son. The first group to rebel had no interest in women, the second remorse to the point of hate for them but honor marriage and family. These two groups do not get along. The second group of spirits has children and are concerned over their future, whereas the first group of spirits/ demons do not. They do not care for children at all. Rent the movie "Spotlight" to see what I mean.
The image below is of the Prince of Persia from Daniel 10 the cuts' numbers point to Daniel 10:1-21 the Prince of Persia and the kings of Persia remorse over the loss of heaven. In Enoch 6:1-8, we meet them before Daniel learns of them. This part of the world they hold their ground and treat the women poorly. They rebelled against the HOLY ONE but not to unseat the SON. Darkness influences all men but certain spirits in this part of the world hold the ground for G-d's man to bring peace to the area. So that the dragon which started this war cannot finish his new world order, and he knows it.
Notice the communication lines this dragon passes under his numbers point out Daniel chapter 10 this is representing the Prince of Persia Satan's enemy as well.
[important]Genesis 6:1 and Enoch 6:1 are not by coincidence my G-d orders all things, and HE is harmonious. [/important]
Enoch 6:1-8. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' 3. And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' 4. And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' 5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6. And they were in all two hundred; who descended ⌈in the days⌉ of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. 8. These are their chiefs of tens.
On board the ark there are eight people and the animals to start over, eight has become the number for new beginnings and the one assigned to JESUS to represent new life, new heavens, new earth. There is no place in society for wicked and evil people. G-d does a reset ensuring man's life expectancy is cut to 120 years to curb any other angels from jumping the veil and take the women to themselves.
Angels would not be refused women after the crucifixion. However, they would have to arrive into the world the same way Jesus came and when HE said they could, after all, many asked to see the SON and were responsible for this. If they loved G-d before they came here, they would return when called to give their lives to Christ. Necessary to drive this all to himself, we know the voice of our Father; we answer the call. The troops started coming in greater numbers after Israel became a nation technology increased along with abortions. Satan hates us, but he needs us as well. The proof is in he did not know the simple things such as the periodic table or how to build flying machines or bombs.
Below it looks like he gave it, the old college try some 4000 years ago. It really is sad; he attempts so hard to prove to everyone he is not real.
You don't need to know hieroglyphics in order to make this one out, so where do dreams come from? Look at the accuracy looks like a bird or is it a prophecy of Duck Dynasty? Then a factory a bowl for smelting metal, learn to fly, bombs and helicopters then we advance to star wars technology. This guy had to be the first SciFi story teller ever, L. Ron Hubbard is born.
He was going to have to wait on a few thousand or more years until man caught up and learned the periodic table. That is what happens when you only read the end of the story and not the essential elements in between. Here he is obviously putting in an order for weapons of mass destruction.
The death of Noah's generation reveals the seriousness of GOD and HIS hate of evil men, with Moses. HE shows us; HE does not tolerate insubordination either.
Now that we have three groups first rebellion no women, second with women, and the Angels who remained represented by Israel the ones who keep the law and worshiped in faith in hopes of seeing the Son.
G-d lets the enemy after the flood make the first move.
[important]G-d wanted to have a pure bloodline in which HIS SON was to come through. Jesus must be perfect. He asks us to follow HIM, and I need you to follow HIM if you are to leave in the rapture.[/important]
Satan makes the first move; it is he who starts the priesthood. It is the beginning of the relationship of the deceitful religion, and state intended to control the people to attend them by serving their false gods playing on their fear of death and the afterlife. Jesus ends that all at the crucifixion and resurrection of himself. Something ugly brings it back.
I'm beating this guy repeatedly; he finally gets it and says, So the gods want us to build a tower so that we can be closer to them. Like DUH!
Babylon is the first kingdom and city after the flood, generations pass; many forget about the pilgrimages made to the ark. Very few men are educated enough to read the book of Enoch. To them, it has develop into a myth. The flood story becomes the Gilgamesh story over time. The animals have become plentiful, and the people seek protection from the wild ones. Nimrod seizes his chance the people seek strength more than character in their leadership. The priesthood is conceived playing on the fears of others and their concern for the afterlife. Slaves are made though they do not see themselves as such. They began to build the tower in order to make a name for themselves Genesis 11:4.
The priests love the festivals to the god's the food is free, and they didn't have to toil the earth to get it. They have the choicest women and the respect of the people who think they are all doing the works of the gods... Who were made up by them shhh, it's a mystery. The enemy has them even worship a queen of heaven knowing G-d is going to make good on HIS promise to bruise his head. The Madonna and Child worship are scattered all over the world that began in Babylon. He wants the focus off the Son and on the mother, and he knows men will fall for it.
They did fall for it in the last several hundred years Catholic missionaries would go into a village to make men twice the agents of hell as themselves, they would find the madonna and child and convince themselves Mary came ahead of them.
Part Four: September 9:11 and Genesis 11:9 have a lot in common.
Jumping Ahead FOUR THOUSAND YEARS then we will go back again. FYI these are G-d's images; I'm just the vessel; He's using. If strife is taking place be sure, it is not the tares panicking insisting if it wasn't for them. They have embedded themselves so deep within Protestant Churches; they have become ministers.
Done 6/20/2005 Stephens Castle. Dr. Steven Jones BYU was right it was an inside job. He was silenced and then Mitt Romney LDS behind BYU was placed in as a candidate. We know who it is behind it all. These lines wrap around the globe and fall dead center on the Vatican a priesthood restored after Christ said it was finished. G-d is causing strife by revealing the true axis of evil who fund it and are behind it all.
2008 the election takes place and a Muslim named candidate wins the office. We lost 700 billion before the election no one was watching, noticed or understood what was going on. In 2012 the enemy mocked G-d placing Romemoney as the Republican candidate. Had Mitt won the NWO elites would still have their mitts in us controlling our POTUS. Because of this lack of caring by the church not noticing Satan's mockery, G-d strengthens the Muslim tyranny. The block was made on August 2012 to warn us but no one was listening to me then either.
Speaking of towers, two came down in our generation on 9/11/01 read Genesis 11:9 seems backward, doesn't it? This appeared to bring the world together where the first one scattered us.
The incident was blamed on one group when it was two groups to blame. Shortly before the 911 event, a church I had attended in Boston began doing a rendition of Noah's ark that I missed out on while driving over the road. I'm in the transportation industry today I drive for "Land Air Express" Jesus told me it had something to do with carrying HIM and resurrection.
Hollywood is Satan's playground they have been remaking old movies, when it dawned on me G-d is remaking Bible stories to win the world to himself. He knew what the enemy would do so HE has taken advantage of it. Again the State and the priesthood keep the people in check.
7 is G-d's Number this was a gimmee.
[notice]Larry Silverstein tells them at five o'clock to pull building Seven a term used in demolition. Building Seven housed the FBI files on the Enron scandal. It happened on Bill Richardson's watch, Clinton's Energy Secretary. They may have also been investigating the pedophile ring that blackmailed many Washington officials. It was revealed teens from Boy's Town USA, were used as pages in the government. The article in "Spotlight" ran by the Boston Globe was printed after the towers came down. The story was being researched before they came down. They discovered Lawyers were being paid all over the country "Clintons??" to defend the church and not disclose their part in it. The banks owned by the Rothschilds paying out these large sums needed it to go away, so they started a red flag operation to go after the Arab oil. The loss of money over the scandals panicked the body of the enemy, they were losing money their god hates losing money. The towers were two fold, one act as the paper shredder; two start a war, fund's were getting low and the dragon hates it when others go after his money. [/notice]
Sadly many Christians sided with the government because the "priesthood" who are many false voices told us what they wanted us to believe. Their wealth has a large influence in our media and in the ecumenical movement. Jesus ended the only priesthood that HE raised up by giving himself up at the cross. It was meant to end what the devil started in Babylon. Father sent HIS SON to take the control away from the liar and his offspring. Jesus makes us all Royal Priests there is none higher in the Earth.
2 Corinthians 11:11-15 Wherefore? because I love you not? G-d knoweth. (12) But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we. (13) For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (14) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Let's go back again to how people get demons in them to do their bidding. It starts with train up a child in the way they should go. False teaching can lead to serving the wrong side no matter how well meaning it may seem. The devil started the priesthood; Jesus set HIS up to end it. Then 270 years later it oddly came back??? With it man made doctrines and rituals; the conversion of Rome never took place because G-d will not be mocked. They are the blind leading the blind or they knew what they were doing when they started it, and it became a tradition of error. It has created an alienation away from G-d these are the many who come in HIS name.
They have repetitively done the same ritual over one centillion, maybe two centillion times. It is a number, which is equal to 10 to the power of 303. The results come up the same every time. Jesus said not to even pray repetitively, and they do that too. There is always five Hail Mary's to one Our Father!!! Jesus said, "If you've seen me you seen the Father I and the Father are one." Does the Rosary sound like Christ is Precious to them?
G-d allowed them to advance, First to dress his creature, second knowing we need the money to be saved for the harvest, three we are to offer them mercy and use them in full ashes and repentance mode to help us bring it all home or stay and meet Allah, After all, it was they who built it for him.
G-d finds one-man Abraham, who has faith to seek a city whose builder and maker is G-d. Abram seeks after one G-d aware the others are all false. The lost sandbag the enemies castle or hold his armor for him his agents transformed into ministers of what seems as righteousness. In the great earth circle below, we also learn that he has influence over many nations making the people slaves to build his new world order.
The angels and Father are letting us know there are differences between a man and a woman. In the center of both is their offspring. In old testament times, just men were counted. So we count only the circles that are not surrounded by smaller ones on the man, we get 18 circles for Genesis 18 where the promise to Abraham is confirmed, and he also pleads for the sparing of Sodom and Gomorrah. G-d would have spared it if he could have found ten righteous men in the city. What is beautiful about this is that the LORD goes and brings out Lot which is Abraham's nephew. Before we leave we need to let our families know where we will be if they want to join us, or if they want to serve Allah, who has no Son. I think I can persuade them to join us pre-trib. John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father who hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
How can the Spirit draw them if they do not hear about the Spirit or see the evidence of HIS Spirit?
Done within seconds and caught on camera these circles were made oval to use the contour of the land so when looking down they look like perfect circles hard to fake that.
Abraham is given a promise by G-d in Genesis 15:4 it is confirmed in Genesis 18:1-33. When the LORD and two angels come to his tent on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah the LORD confirms HIS promise and Sarah laughs delaying the birth of Isaac. Men and women then corrupted the natural order of things G-d forbade it then and does so now. The difference is I confirm there is a hell and a devil leading us there.
The video below is an eight minute segment of this image being made. G-d says he will remove HIS Church as quickly as this was made.
Fear, superstition, profited the priesthood well. these were lazy people who used the fear of the afterlife to feed themselves while te devil laughied at the ignorant among them concerned with pleasing the gods. The scale in the image is where we get the idea that our good is weighed against our bad, it is not.
In the final blow against the false gods of Egypt and to break Pharaoh the angel of death is sent to kill all the first born of the Egyptians. The blood of the lamb represents the blood of Christ, It is celebrated today as Passover.
The priesthood opens schools to educate the people about the false gods they serve. Here slaves of Abraham's descendants are made by the false priesthood in league with the state. They forgot what Joseph had done for them. The enemy has a need to hide something that he began to build that G-d said would destroy him when it is discovered.
Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
Now we know why. I found it odd the author "Moses" did not know where this place was.
The plagues are sent to expose the false gods of Egypt, even some can be duplicated by the priests of Satan though they do not credit it to him, however, we know better. G-d instructs Moses to tell the Pharoah to let HIS people go into the wilderness to worship HIM the way HE desires. A good society has laws so G-d gives us ten laws through them.
Those who think it was terrible that G-d allowed the death of the Egyptian children neglect how Moses came to be. Children have a place in heaven if the death is before the age of understanding. Sad that I must reveal many Muslim children who have such hate of G-d's Jewish people will not find peace in eternity.
The death of the Egyptian children was the weak link. This weakness found in men will not happen again. Satan bred out of the desire for marriage and women eliminating children a blessing of G-d from among his servants in his false religious systems. 1 Timothy 4:2-3 Leaving the door open for homosexuality and pedophilia to fill the void. No families meant no taking care of widows or their orphans the purpose to protect hIs position of wealth and power. No one will ever get his money again, so he thinks.
This Priest once took a vow of poverty. Now he is a Saint answering prayers in heaven.???
The truth is they do not have children of their own places them in a state of less concern for what happens to other children. They must act as if they care in order to fool the simple. Saint Nicholas helps the cause although at the end of the age it has turned into a mockery of all that G-d holds dear. Those who walk in the light never take notice. That's some light, isn't it? They call the darkness light and the light darkness.
What's wrong with these pictures and decide quickly Jesus is coming back.
The Priesthoods of The Devil making slaves of the world’s population.
The cities these great structures were built in all have this in common false gods and a state approved priesthood that made slaves of its people. Originally I believe it was intended to mark his territory like any animal would. He must of caught on to the angels laughing at him so he tried to hide himself further. So we get the great circle.
We learn from the great circle that the prince of the air can make men his puppets to do his bidding. These were done in order to hide what he did below G-d had him mark his territory like a pet and by now we know why. At some point, he wises up that he has been punked and adds more structures using the priesthood and the state.
This is what it probably was going to be. Was there at one time something above South America or is this where he learned he was being pranked?
Without a GPS or transit proves a spiritual influence and not a good one.
Do not let the stars guide you but be guided by the one who made the stars.
The heavens declare the glory of GOD before there was written language the story was told in the stars. The stars were given names before Abraham had any children. Jacob's twelve sons are assigned a constellation and placed around the wilderness tabernacle.
This is the one I used to do the positions around the cross. It's hard to erase and change these the story is here. Though many try to place the tribes with different Zodiacs we can find the truth in the land given to each tribe if we must. Virgo is one of them to confirm the truth. The others also testify of the reality of the signs and their meaning. I do Zebulon, Issachar, Judah and Levi. you can research the others for a good Bible study and you should. There will be a test!
The purpose for the Exodus is to glorify the true and living G-d to free us from the bondage of the dark one and his delusional priesthoods that made slaves of men. G-d establishes his people and places a flag and assigns a zodiac sign to each of the twelve tribes. His priesthood would appease HIM if any of the ten laws were broken. Many even held a death sentence of stoning. These laws were meant for all people so that we could live in harmony. The animal sacrifices made by Israel always pointed to the Son of G-d the final sacrifice. G-d's Son was so precious to HIM just the thought of HIS work turned away HIS wrath from them. Whether Jew or Gentile a perfect society must have law and order. G-d calls us all to be Royal Priests to HIM through Christ so that no other priesthood could deceive us again into being their slaves to serve HIS enemy. 1 Peter 2:9
G-d establishes the twelve tribes to set up camp around the ark which is the mercy seat that holds the two tablets with HIS ten commandments, Aaron's staff and a pot of manna symbols of... Law, Leadership, and Life (provision).
Moses and Joshua bow before the ark the symbol of G-d's presence on earth and a sacred place in heaven.
The ark is designed with specific measurements and covered in gold. It symbolizes G-d's heart the throne of perfection, known as the holy of holies. [notice]Notice the outline of the tribes around the ark on the left, shaped like a cross. the heart is the ark the laws of G-d. No society can function without G-d's law. Where it went we find the presence of G-d in Christendom we are all little arks if we are true to Christ the one who finished HIS work freeing us from the curse of the law which is death. He should be the center of our hearts.[/notice]
Part Six: The Four points of the cross and how the Constellations fit in.
[important]It is important to understand that the tribes are not responsible for the story being revealed around the tabernacle. G-d establishes it this way to explain it better. For instance, the tribes of Naphtali, Asher, and Dan are not going to be physically standing on his left only to whom they represent will be on his left. These have value, but they chose not to see it, their conscience is seared with a hot iron. For example, spies who lie and deceive betraying their own countries to assist Rome in building their NWO. We are told a revived Roman empire will be in the last days. Who could be behind that???
Also please note Naphtali, Asher and Dan are children all born to the two handmaids of Jacob's two wives Leah and Rachel, Leah represents the children behind the veil. Rachel the one who was labored longer for she represents man and Earth. G-d tells us some are made for the fires and some to eternal glory. [/important]
Looking at the west of the cross the mind of Christ where HIS head was placed.
[notice]Any image can be clicked on to enlarge.[/notice]
The cup symbolic of holding the wine (spirit). Joseph is an archetype of Jesus. Benjamin is two things and an archetype of who? In the wilderness his tribe camps above the head of the cross furthest west ending the day.
The West is the place the SUN sets ending the day. On the cross, it is where the head of the SON lies. The two son's most precious to Jacob "Israel" are Joseph and Benjamin. The mind of Christ the West reveals America and England. Manasseh is the older of Joseph's two sons; the older is meant to serve the younger America.
Keep in mind both brothers symbolize one tribe Joseph's who is split between England and America. There are not thirteen tribes in the wilderness tabernacle.
The West is G-d's pride those who honored HIS SON and defended Israel.
Manasseh would be on Christ's head the crown the Eyes of Jesus America for it is America that helps us see more clearly. Above the head of Jesus we find Benjamin acting as a covering, Benjamin is duality Paul was once Saul and from the tribe of Benjamin.
This covering replaces the Son's original covering and to act the same as it was in heaven. It is when Benjamin enters Egypt we find that Joseph confirms what was meant for evil, G-d meant for good. Benjamin is rewarded five times more than all others at the feast, but it is after he is accused of stealing the cup that held the king's wine. Then the 11 brothers fold weeping and all is revealed.
As Jacob had two special sons Joseph who represents Christ, G-d has another unique son this one is the first adopted among the angels, the first shepherd and the first casualty of the war. The son of HIS first man Adam and dearest friend. It is the enemy who disrespected the offering of Abel and had Cain's jealousy rise up to kill him.
John 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
Abel??? He is after all called by Jesus righteous, which means at some point HE must come under the blood as well. I gave my life to Christ in 1982, in May 2009 HE came to me and surprised me. As I hid from HIS presence crying don't look at me several times, HE laughed called my name and said I sounded just like my father. HE knows I have never met my paternal father. Here is another interesting fact in December 2009 the movie Avatar came out as well.
The arms of Christ facing you, the right arm is the south which represents the earth. North, of course, would be the throne of G-d and the violent seek to take it by force. We will do north next.
Moving towards the center or the heart of the tabernacle the mercy seat we are given Gad his flag reveals a tent (bodies to house spirit) Gad is Aries the Ram's horn Israel is established G-d's people HIS only priesthood to point to Christ. Gad is the son born to Zilpah Leah was her mistress.
Next is Simeon his flag is castle the making of kings /rulers using Israel to determine who are the kings. His star sign is Pisces he stayed behind as collateral to draw Benjamin into Egypt G-d is a fisherman we are leaving Pisces ending the fishing season going into purification. Aquarius is Reuben, the end of mortal man the start of immortal man. Rueben was the one who persuaded the others not to kill Joseph. Man is suffering because he ignores the law thou shall not kill. Today death is profit as we send our children off to war. Those who profit the most are those who hold the most in the military industrial complex these are the goats on his left.
Moving from the hand into the heart of the tabernacle we find G-d's enemies who seek to overthrow his kingdom through violence their arrogance and wickedness in taking it place them as goats on his left. His hand holds Naphtali born from Jacob and Bilhah a servant girl of Rachel who at this time could not conceive. His flag is a deer/ doe /gazelle fast runners his name means "my struggle." the last of two sons born to Bilhah and named by Rachel. The star sign of Capricorn is his a freakish mix of a goat's head with a body of a fish. Babylon honored Dagon their priests used the heads of fish as part of their pagan worship. Rome is the freakish mix but in the end many of them will be fast runners to bring in the harvest when they realize who they will be left behind with and the "get away from me I never knew you", applies to them.
Next is Asher second son of Jacob and Zilpah Leah's handmaid, the name means happy his flag is a tree, his star sign is Sagittarius a horse and rider representing war. War is necessary to defend us from the wicked who seek to impose false gods among us. War brings death and G-d does not enjoy war However, as a protector HE must teach us to war. War is an invention of man in obedience to evil intent. The tree may symbolize the many wars and people that will come as a result of misplaced people.
Last is Dan older son of Jacob and Bilhah his flag is the eagle, his star sign Scorpio an instrument of death and poison. The eagle has always been the symbol of war in the earth. In G-d's thrown room it is the face of one of the beasts with six wings crying holy, holy, holy. The enemy has defiled this creature, every wicked regime risen up to build Satan's one world order has always used an eagle as its mascot. America used it only to draw the dragon and his body of false priests into the trap.
The meek shall inherit the earth not the violent and it is G-d's joy to give us the kingdom who give HIM their lives. Note: on the left hand are not pure Son's of Jacob's two wives the ones that he labored longest for they are in fact their handmaids. God has made some for the firs and some for eternal glory.
[notice]Any image can be clicked on to enlarge. RIght click on it then open in new window if it helps. [/notice] G-d makes no mistake in where HE places Virgo in the tabernacle where she belongs under the feet of Jesus (Judah / Leo) and beneath Cancer [notice]Don't get angry with me it is G-d who placed the stars and the tribes where they went and he did it all to expose the lies of the devil and his demons to set many free in the last day, in time for resurrection. Hard to erase the stars and undo the works of Moses. That's my Jesus who is yours? Is yours still being sacrificed on an altar? Such a mockery and denial of the finished work of Christ. They gave you Obama and Mitt Romney and it revealed to the angels no one is watching the sheep or how they keep attacking the HOLY ONE of Israel through the sheep. Mormon's boast a restored gospel and the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood???? For what reason is the Aaronic priesthood needed I wonder? No other reason than to deny the finished work of Christ and mock HIM. God will not be mocked. [/notice]
The legs of Jesus the support structure of the human body. Unfortunately, in this fallen world many people are without the use of their legs that is not the case in heaven in fact though we have them, we do not need them. We can fly or just desire to be in a place and be translated to that particular place. With heaven being out to eight planets compared to our system (see the image above that shows the people standing in what will become the lake of fire). To get around heaven you need that kind of ability. God is always giving us the desires of our hearts. Lucifer desired to be God, I desired a family who loves Jesus my Jesus.
Starting at the bottom of the cross that is found beneath the earth buried in the dirt we find the tribe Zebulon the sixth Son of Jacob and Leah his star sign is Virgo the Virgin the land given to him was the land in which Jesus was raised, Bethlehem being one of them (six, by the way, is the number of man and judgment, man is made from the dust of the ground/ dirt). Other star charts depicting this tribe does not have the virgin as Zebulon but I believe that is in error. God is making it clear in the land given to Zebulon it is his Mother we are looking at. In astrology that cannot be erased or changed by wicked priests, we find Leo (Judah) is blocked by Virgo (Virgin) from the heart of the problem Libra (Levi) leaving many men under the curse of the law which is death, because wicked men placed her above the Son turning his Mother into a cult that condemns millions to hell. We have an enemy who from the start of Babylon wanted people focused in on the woman and child and drawing more attention to the woman that the original false priesthoods began. The queen of heaven has always been a tool of Satan to mislead others Jeremiah 7:18, Jeremiah 44:17, Jeremiah 44:18-30. The sadness is the ignorance and lack of knowledge of God, the woman is God's last creation until then women did not exist until Eve. This should be common knowledge if a queen sat in heaven it would have to be a former earthly woman??? God created woman after all.
The true queen in God's eyes is Israel it is she HE is in love with and in that love a Son is given through her. She is the woman in the wilderness clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet on her head a crown of twelve stars (the twelve tribes of Israel). The dragon has caused her to be hated making antisemites out of men. Zebulon's flag is a ship with oars depicting traversing the world on waters (sitting on many waters). Does this sound like anyone we know?
(Zebulun was one of six tribes chosen to stand on Mount Ebal and pronounce curses (Deuteronomy 27:13). By means of these curses, the people promised God they would refrain from certain behaviors. For example, one curse says, “Cursed is the man who carves an image or casts an idol – a thing detestable to the Lord” (Deuteronomy 27:15). Another states, “Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien, the fatherless or the widow” (Deuteronomy 27:19). Still another: “Cursed is the man who does not uphold the words of this law by carrying them out” (Deuteronomy 27:26). In all, Zebulun helped deliver twelve admonishments of this sort (Deuteronomy 27:15-26). )~ This portion was taken from "Got"
Next is Issachar he is given the sign of Cancer the crab the ninth son of Jacob and Leah another number referencing judgment. Any number multiplied by nine it's sum total adds to nine once issued it is impossible to get away from. Notice how our world is riddled by this terrible curse called Cancer it is beneath the feet of Jesus HE has victory over it "DEATH until we exalt the queen of heaven over Jesus then we are plagued with it. The flag of Issachar is the SUN with EIGHT stars. The Sun is above the earth not shining on the Virgin but on the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The woman Israel is clothed with twelve stars only eight are the children of Leah and Rachel.
Some are made for the fire, is it all four tribes? As sad as that may be it is in the heart of man that we find wickedness to resolve the situation Jesus is needed in the life of man ruling his heart. I received my mantle on May 2009 in December 2009 the movie Avatar was released. We are avatars for spiritual forces and the way the world is laid out I can prove it. Not every man wants to be associated with Jesus and those who say they do compromise with the Virgin and the delusional priesthood that lies about everything. If they really knew Christ they would know Christ ended the reason for the priesthood in the first place. Isn't it odd how they look good to the present day church while people like me are deemed evil? How did Roman Catholicism know the antichrist would be Protestant? Because they defined the terms while the Bible clearly points to them as being antichrists.
The east is where the sun rises to begin the day the sun stares into the face of Judah as it rises who is depicted by the star sign Leo when the devil began his new world order before man came he built what would end the age as the symbols of the battle. We must decide who we will stand with. His new world order he needs to finish and unite the armies of the worlds together to turn on Christ at his appearing this means bringing peace without Jesus????. Only the "Royal Priesthood" can bring the peace he needs to give the Jews clearance to rebuild his temple. They are the only other Priesthood God recognizes. Any other priesthood is a mockery of the work of Christ and uses HIS name in vain.
Is this the Lion? The proof is written in stone and the 400 years of slave labor. When the sun rises it is directly in HIS face. Read between the lines. Is it Satan saying when the son comes he can stare into the brightness of G-d's glory like he had too?
The prince and power of the air would fly over the campsite of G-d's chosen people G-d knew his hate for HIM and them would cause him to mock their ways and try and make them look foolish to discredit the true G-d of heaven. After losing his power in Egypt he seeks out another place of power to destroy the people of G-d. He mocks the work of G-d by taking what G-d calls holy and makes it a tool to control others with.
The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two-faced Ezekiel 28:12-15
The prince and power of the air would fly over the campsite of G-d's chosen people G-d knew his hate for HIM and them would cause him to mock their ways and try and make them look foolish to discredit the true G-d of heaven. After losing his power in Egypt he seeks out another place of power to destroy the people of G-d. He mocks the work of G-d by taking what G-d calls holy and makes it a tool to control others with.
Hard to erase this or undo it, not like the NASB or NIV at all. Praise G-d for the heavens and the wisdom behind them and for people who truly love HIM.
The prince and power of the air would fly over the campsite of G-d's chosen people G-d knew his hate for HIM and them would cause him to mock their ways and try and make them look foolish to discredit the true G-d of heaven. After losing his power in Egypt he seeks out another place of power to destroy the people of G-d. He mocks the work of G-d by taking what G-d calls holy and makes it a tool to control others with.
The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two-faced Ezekiel 28:12-15
In this sign Rome conquered 400 years before Christ came! 230 years after the only Priesthood ordained by God was ended and scattered another replaces it with "In this sign, we will conquer." A continued mocking of Christ's finished work and a fulfillment of his prophecy in front of G-d's angels in Egypt before man was created. He said, " if the Son ever comes I will make HIM my pet." confident G-d had no Son, kind of like Islam?? I know why they do it and refuse to recognize Rome as a representative of G-d, IT'S THE IDOLATRY! Not everyone is buying into the one with all the precious stones. Only those who claim the Protest is over.
The Jews seek a leader like David a king warrior to overthrow Rome. Instead they get a loving compassionate G-d walking among them. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth; Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the Son's of God." ~ Jesus
The devil had hidden from the eyes of the Jewish leadership G-d's overall plan of reconciliation. The do not see the value in the sacrifice of Christ. Even though all their sacrificing was leading to the final sacrifice.
They were seeking to have the kingdom of G-d restored on the earth, some lessons take longer than others. G-d has brought mankind to the precipice of the abyss to show us what a world looks like without HIS SON the PRECIOUS one the center of our lives.
Satan started the priesthood Jesus ordered HIS own to offer HIM up as the perfect sacrifice, meant to end the reign of men who used the terror of death to profit by. Thus ending the priesthoods Satan began and even HIS own.
Satan has hidden from the eyes of today's clergy the value of lifting the Lion or seeing the value God placed on seeing the truth of the effigy built before man arrived. It shows the angels someone could see the truth and love the unlovable. TRUTH holds the highest value and the ones with the most truth are the most valuable to G-d. The TRUTH can set men free. G-d seeks to rescue men and give them access to heaven through Christ alone.
[important]This is the part so many have missed G-d asked all of Israel to priests unto HIM they opted not too. Only Levi "Aaron's" tribe chose to do so. Israel is the only Priesthood that can rebuild the Temple.
G-d has in Christ what HE wanted from Israel. We are a Royal Priesthood a holy nation and we have the peace plan the world is looking for. We inspected the sacrifice and we have testimonies enough to confirm to the world JESUS IS LORD G-D ALMIGHTY. Any priesthood outside these two are a mockery of the finished work of Christ. [/important]
The Priesthood had done its job. The enemy started it in Babylon and Jesus ended it in Israel. The scattering of the Jews throught the world along with their persecution because of G-d and the Law reveals the overall reality of the Spirit world and his hate for them and all of us.
For two hundred and thirty years the church flourished the five-fold ministry was revealed and not a priest among any of them. A Bishop was the husband of one wife and his house was in order. Elder's were to lay hands on the sick and anoint them with oil praying the prayer of faith.
In Rome a Bishop or any leader of rank must pass through the priesthood, the whole thing is a lie its existence proves they do not know Christ intimately or at all. It is a secret cult to keep the people under their control they are not shepherds but wolves who are building the new world order as the puppets of false gods with Christian names.
They took the virgin and made her into something G-d at the cross in the wilderness and in the stars of heaven reveal is an abomination to him. She interferes with HIS work. The light is always to shine on Christ. However, the devil needs to always mock the work of G-d Ho, Ho, Ho.
In Babylon, I said the people who were scattered took with them the idols of mother and child worship. G-d knew the false priest would make Mary more important than HIM or HIS Son.
Jesus said be not like the heathen with repetitious prayers all these people do is repetition in their prayers and in their mock sacrificing of Christ the epitome of insanity. We are not to be ignorant of the devil's devices (PRIESTHOOD), and we are to have no association with the unfruitful works of darkness. The PROTEST is not over!
Satan mocks G-d through people who claim to love Jesus.
So glad they became Christian could you imagine had they not? They stopped the slaughter of Christians in 313 and opened the door for more war and death increasing the killing of more Christians as they conquered in the sign they had always conquered in. The Inquisition used only one pole and some kindling for the fire. Their wealth financed wars right up to the present day. Who else would have holdings of seven hundred billion in America? It was 500 AD a false prophet makes an appearance who's father in law just happens to be Roman Catholic. They never preached G-d's word or Teach G-d's word they let the devil have free reign. The statues names were changed from pagan gods to saints that's all that changed.
Rome had an abundance of false gods and the priesthood's highest official was the Pontificate Maximus. Think of me as the little boy pointing to the Emporers new clothes. If the crop circles are right he has no clothes and no covering. He is hiding behind the blood they never washed in it or changed direction it is a new patch on an old wineskin.
Placing people in political positions was beeing done by Rome before Christ, today they use their delusional converts to fake care about the country they live in. First, they are loyal to Rome who claims they are the only church G-d elected? There are seven in Revelation, not one!
Their followers are not loyal to the country they are in. When you do not have children, you have no stake in their safety. Satan weeded out the desire for families in his priesthood to deter his wealth from being distributed to children or orphans, he would need it to have his temple built.
He learned his lesson in Egypt there will be no weakness in his new position of power. Through the long wars of Rome prior to Christ, they felt marriage and family for a soldier should be put off until the end of their campaigns. Slowly the desire for women was bread out of them, a vow of celibacy was made to make them look holy, it was against the commandment of G-d.
1 Timothy 4:1-3 (1) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (2) Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (3) Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
The people under them are for pro-life but blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the false priesthood everything is given the title of holy and sacred except what really is.
As nice as the Nicene creed is it is not what gets you into a relationship with G-d. it is a statement of facts any liar or imbecile can repeat what is written. What is the fruit and does it include embracing the Jews? It had better, it is what this has been about.
The Jewish people represent the angels who kept the first law in heaven and they see how we treat them. They determine who is in the resurrection and who is not.
Abortions would be the least of our problems had the word been proclaimed as G-d wanted it to be. You need to know Jesus to share Jesus. His word is the key to setting people free! Unless we drink of his blood and eat of his body we have no part in him. The interpretation properly done is KNOW ME! Not mock me!
Revelation 18:7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
1. excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit:
Ezekiel 28:13 (13) Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
adjective 1. of high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious metals.
Food for thought if the Vatican and the Pope have communications with G-d why haven’t they come up with the answers? Maybe because they truly do not know HIM. Wouldn’t that be a shame for the billions who follow them?
The Groom is on His way HE asked me to tell you.Make the paths straight the King is Coming.
The image was done by combining two crop circle formations that were done across the street from each other one was in the north the other in the south. It's time to prepare the bride and plan weddings to rehearse by. Do we have time? Well, I have a peace agreement for Israel.