He thought he could just come in and slay a dragon and set captives free by opening the word of God to the world and telling us Jesus has a value that’s worth the world.
Letting us know Christ is at the door.
LOL, what a maroon.
We showed him with our awesome powers of discernment. Until he does what we want, we’ll keep him stomping his feet and slamming doors.
The devil made it quite clear to Jesus that Jesus would have to bow to him to get the world’s kingdoms.
I want to make this perfectly clear I’m not Jesus; I’m even unworthy to be doing what I am doing, but it has to be done.
Jesus wouldn’t bow, and I love others enough not to bow either, and HE is the heir of all that we see.
Daniel 4:17 KJV
(17) This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Yet they keep testing me with their praise of the Roman Church, whom we know is responsible for keeping the word of God away from all those pregnant out-of-wedlock mothers who seek abortions and the boys who slept with them, who have no moral compass or fear of God because the Church of Rome has none either.
They control the word, I control the peace plan and help it along by opening the word.
Left behind for the gallows they built is the price for hiding the word of God and pretending to have the HOLY SPIRIT. Their atrocities towards children are insurmountable. They are not someone you want to stand with in defense of the gospel; they do not know the full gospel. Their rock is not as our ROCK; even our enemies will agree.
On the testimony of two or more.
Matthew 23:23 KJV
(23) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Faith is not being able to shout the loudest, praise the loudest or jump the highest.
Can we or I overlook the trauma caused to these children because they are, after all, Pro-life?
If they were pro-life, they would be opening the word of God up and teaching it with enthusiasm; they don’t understand the word, so that is why they placed Obama in the Whitehouse. They need to teach what I teach, explaining how we are to all become priests inspecting the sacrifice ourselves. They need to repent for having stolen the keys, hiding the word so demons could have free reign.
Clang Clang with the bell, I hear that resounding Gong!!!!
How can people who were taught by Jesuits destroy good solid ministries? Well, it’s the demonic doctrine that moves in the Protestant churches that causes strife by accusing others of not being loving to their church and claiming that you don’t understand. Making you feel like you are the one lacking true spiritual knowledge or love.
It’s a lie they are just trying to control the burn from it reaching all the lost.
Mother Church, is she the woman who rides the beast? Mother Church, a mother, is a woman. The woman who rides the beast is also the beast’s very image making his new world order. Got all his stones back took all the nations; now, he needs the light he once had to complete it.
He wants his precious…Well if Tolkien hadn’t gone to the dark side to get his inspiration from the Norse god Oden, I could help you with that.
As long as you think darkness and light can coexist, there will be no peace. In this life or the life to come if America had been heaven?
Preterism is one of theirs at the time of the Counter-Reformation, the Jesuit Luis de Alcasar wrote a prominent preterist exposition of prophecy. Moses Stuart noted in 1845 that Alcasar’s preterist interpretation advantaged the Roman Catholic Church during its arguments with Protestants, and Kenneth Newport in an eschatological commentary in 2000 described preterism as a Catholic defense against the Protestant historicist view which identified the Roman Catholic Church as a persecuting apostasy.
But it is a persecuting apostasy! Guess who will see it in the tribulation?
It’s one of the reasons we show you a planchette that is moved by demonic forces, and on it is a Mitre hat worn by Catholic ministers who have not been “Born Again” John 3:3, so it’s easy for demons to move them and because they have self-appointed power (continuing a defacto priesthood) they tickle each other’s ears you follow them because of their positions of power not given to them by God at least not my ROCK. Still, you do not know that, so you blindly follow.
The college of Cardinals (unbiblical) vote to elect a new Pope. The people and God has no say in the process as they blow smoke in our faces.
In some cultures, that’s an insult.
I remember God choosing his leaders another way.
Handwriting on the wall, an interpreter of dreams, a Prophet like Samuel, the list is endless. Cats love to eat fish, smoked Salmon, mmm, Good.
Jesuits are moved to destroy churches and cause others to embrace their Jezebel-like church; you can say you are not a Jesuit by reason of not being part of the actual brotherhood one does not have to say the oath. However, if you teach their doctrines and embrace their beliefs, then go around causing division. Your burn is controlled and will not start great fires and that’s what the demons are hoping for.
Alberto (The Crusaders Book 12)
Full color comic book.
As a Jesuit, Alberto helped destroy churches and ministries. But as he read the Scriptures, he saw that Catholicism couldn't save. This is the emotional story of a Jesuit priest who left the Catholic Church and found salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. He became a hunted man, because he knew the carefully guarded secrets of the Vatican.
I do so miss my Christian Teaching and Worship Center; there was a minister there who would have brought Boston to its knees; had he been lifted, it’s clear the devil follows me to destroy that kind of work. The state took the man to court because he honored the word of God when it came to raising his son.
They are so quick to keep me from
telling the truth.
They want me to compromise and do the Vatican two power gifts that have made the word of God less important than the gifts.
Then there was the killing of John F. Kennedy thanks to C.S. Lewis, who Father had taken home on the same day so we can know who was behind it. No mystery for God C.S. Lewis was 64 on the day Kennedy died Psalm 64:1-10.
Kennedy was killed on a road that looked like a Pyramid it was to send a signal to his minions and a reminder of the first killing he did at a Pyramid that if they do not bow to him he will have them removed and they will have to start at the beginning again. Do not pass go do not collect position of power.
Those who did get to be POTUS got to watch the Zapruder film in private with confessions that it can happen to you we replace your security detail with one of our own just as we did that day. Don’t forget we have guns now pointed at your family!
Lyndon B. Johnson became the 36 (666) President of the United States sworn in not on a Protestant Bible or Bible at all, but a delusional Missal that replaces God’s word in the education of people. How is it not demonic? They used Johnson to escalate the war and profit with their holdings in the war machine as they sent our children to get drunk on their blood.
My beloved brother in the LORD David Recupero was taken home 37 days after September 9/11 confirmed like Kennedy with C.S. Lewis Psalm 64:1-10. We know who is behind it. Jezebel and her priesthood, it’s like having two or more witnesses. Psalm 37:1-40
Then there is Daniel 4:17, which tells us the devil is a liar. The kingdoms of the earth clearly never belonged to him, to begin with. He stole America from the “Christians” who compromised their faith for peace, and as they did, they surrendered their true power to the god of this world. Thus losing the peace and freedom in Christ that America once had.
The Jewish people are where the focus of Christ’s love in us should have been directed. Anything that would keep them from coming to know Christ comes out of the pit of hell.
Catholicism is Antisemitic! The idols and the queen of heaven should have clued you in.
Is the HOLY SPIRIT on their side, or is HE on mine?
If the thieves and mockers of God’s Jewish priesthood had not taken and hidden the word from the world and killed Protestants and others who carried the word and knew Christ in their hearts, then the Pope would not be kissing a Koran. There would be no Koran; there would be no Pope. They had possession of the scriptures 300 years before Muhammed came.
“Every time we give up a part of our faith…To try and fit into the ways of the world. We lose it forever. WE lose a precious part of God’s promise. Sacrificed to the world and the world will never give it back and someday when the world tells us we can no longer have our religion accept where they say and God is driven from our schools, and our government, and our homes. Then God’s people can look back and know that our religion was not taken from us. It was given up handed over bit by bit until there was nothing left” Robert Sayers Sheffey (July 4, 1820 – August 30, 1902)
Hey, the Mormons brought back the Aaronic Priesthood nothing like denying the finished work of Christ and the purpose the temple was destroyed. Destroyed by the one who said he would make the SON of God his pet!
Christians should know that as well, and why don’t they?
I should have added to the below image the words “I did my communion,” Psalm 56:1-2. “I did my confirmation; I confessed my sins to a priest.” Yeah, but you left the church the same way you went in, still lost. Was the priest a diddler? If you knew God wanted you to be a priest 1 Peter 2:9, you wouldn’t need to go to another other than the final high priest. Most of us who found Christ know that we would have died separated from HIM had we stayed. The key phrase is, do you know HIM?
Would HE like us to have idols and anything prayed to other than HIS FATHER in HIS NAME?
It’s time for MRS. B. Eagle to get her shots or open her eyes.
Do you really want me to bow to the image of the beast? What kind of friend are you?
We know in heaven he the beast was covered with all those precious stones and lost his light and stones when he was thrown out of heaven. he thought he could place his rebellious angels into positions of power in heaven without honoring the SON of God alone. He now has all his stones back has his people are in positions of power, but he needs the Precious light back, Well I agree with his minions from the AG church God does not need money for revival. What they need is truth.
If we can give them that along with food and clothes, we may win a soul or two or three or a million.
YUP, you sure showed me.
Tough question for Catholics and Greek Orthodox people, how many HOLY FATHERS are there in heaven? God says he will not share his glory with another, Jesus said to call no man father and he called his FATHER, HOLY FATHER but once. Said so often that the world does not see there is only ONE!
I see a lot of burning men coming not just me. Thanks for the vote of confidence in God and HIS plan. You were looking for God’s justice coming from the top of the hill? How is that being like the most high God who started in a manger?
So the bad man at bottom of the hill must become the bad man at top of the hill, which means someone has to be lifted up for another to get there.
Right now, I am not a bad man, so what can happen on the journey? The apostates will see they are the ones being left behind because of the evil they brought into America by forcing us to compromise our values and embrace the things that keep Israel from knowing Jesus?
A covering is to protect the kingdom of God from the wicked getting in without Jesus’s blood atonement.
As soon as I started showing the crop circles to ministers they began attacking me, then they started bringing in the sick like I was to be a god or something? They have never once seen the value of Jesus or understood what is needed to be done. It’s not having me bow to the image of the beast, that’s for sure.
I fit into my own shoes nicely, thank you very much. I do not need to be wearing somebody else’s. Some don’t like the word opened without their control, nor do they want the truth revealed.
They want signs, but God has sent hundreds of signs in that evil land of the Protestant England.
I can’t take away the Pope’s kids or his leadership’s children to change hearts as Moses did before the Exodus, so you leave me with few choices. I can use the tools God sent me to build his house using the word as it was meant to be built.
I know a few Jesuit taught teachers that embrace them, who have children. I can go there if it brings repentance. A curse without a cause shall not come, and the cause is repentance from the mockers and liars who steal a Whitehouse for 700 billion dollars to place a false Messiah to the middle east because they do not know the real one.
They have been destroying America to bring peace to the Middle East???
Look how many ran to falsely accuse Islam of the twin towers.
I will not be doing anything falsely supernatural that came into the church after Vatican two to make Ecumenicism what it is today, truly an apostasy, with its false signs and wonders. Just so you are aware I have never seen an apparition of Mary because I guard my heart against demonic dogmas. If I did do his fake gifts I would be bowing to the wrong one, wouldn’t I?
Why doesn’t the Pope heal the way so many expect it of me?
Why isn’t he slaying in the spirit like Benny Hinn?
God does turn his back on those who turned their back on him, so tell me again how idols and restored priesthoods with counter-reformation with Jesuit doctrines (preterism being one) are Christian? Let’s not forget Mary and the idols in the path of Abraham’s descendants, both Jewish and Muslims?
I’m not a leader; I am a follower of Jesus. To the angels, Abel was hope.
The word is first followed by signs and wonders confirming the word, not the other way around.
Brother Abel.
Is Alberto For Real?
In 1979, Chick Publications printed the first in a series of highly controversial comics based on the life of ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera. Once converted to Christ, Alberto began exposing the Vatican's most closely guarded secrets. His information shocked the world.
Responding to his startling statements, Rome and many so-called Christians cried, "Alberto is a fraud." For many years, the battle has raged. Millions have asked: "Is Alberto For Real?"
Here is the answer ... 96 pages ... packed with rock solid evidence, proving Alberto Rivera is for real.
...History proves he's real!
...Many other writers prove he's real!
If you've ever wondered about the veracity of Alberto's alarming allegations about the Roman Catholic church, this book is a must.
More info →Alberto (The Crusaders Book 12)
Full color comic book.
As a Jesuit, Alberto helped destroy churches and ministries. But as he read the Scriptures, he saw that Catholicism couldn't save. This is the emotional story of a Jesuit priest who left the Catholic Church and found salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. He became a hunted man, because he knew the carefully guarded secrets of the Vatican.
Double-Cross (The Crusaders Book 13)
After the Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera found Christ by faith alone (instead of faith in his church) he was a hunted man. No man can leave the Jesuit order alive! This is part two of his personal story. He reveals how the Jesuits infiltrate Protestant organizations and warns of "false brethren" in our midst. You will learn why he was placed on a death list, read the incredible oath he had to take as a Jesuit, and see why the Ecumenical Movement will lead to a final "Inquisition."
More info →Jesuits (The Crusaders Book 20)
The Jesuits... like so many things in this world, they are not what they appear to be.
In 1540, Pope Paul III officially accepted "The Society of Jesus" (Jesuits) into the Roman Catholic system. Today, the current Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicolás, is respected and feared by every Jesuit as God Himself.
Who knows more about the Jesuits than the Jesuits themselves? This comic shows, from their own writings, that the Jesuits' real goal is to destroy true Christians and make the world submit to the Pope. That's why Jesus commanded His people to, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" in Revelation 18:4.
This book focuses on the story of a family arrested because of the impatient actions of one Jesuit, whose indiscretion nearly unraveled the plot to destroy freedom and bring everyone under the control of the pope.
Read the fascinating history of the Jesuits, learned from their own writings.
How they formed, and why
The true purpose of Jesuit schools and colleges
Their blind obedience to their superiors.
Read why we are surrounded with Jesuit-trained operatives who don't wear a priest's collar, and are thus "invisible." See how they manipulate governments and foment wars, all "for the greater glory of God."
By the end of the story, the reader will understand that he cannot put his complete trust in any church, religious leader, or anyone else for his eternity, because nothing is what it appears to be. He must place his faith in Jesus alone. The Lord Jesus will bring the only true peace the world will ever know.
More info →Operation Bucharest (The Crusaders Book 1)
This is the first full color comic book in Jack Chick's classic series, first published in 1974. Set during the Cold War, you will meet the Crusaders as they smuggle Scriptures into forbidden territory. KGB Headquarters is alerted to the Crusader's trip to Bucharest. The plan is to create a scandal to embarrass the United States.
However, the Lord's plan prevails and the Crusaders lead a spy to Christ. Parents have reported that these comic books played an important role in faith-building and instruction for their Christian youth. Theme of this volume: Salvation.
Four Horsemen (The Crusaders Book 16)
This classic full-color comic book by Jack Chick is part 5 of the Alberto Series, the life story of former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera. In this book is a clear description of how the papacy fulfills Bible prophecies of the antichrist.
Who are the Four Horsemen of Revelation?
Who did Martin Luther and other Reformation leaders insist was the "Anti-Christ?"
See the chart containing the front organizations through which the Jesuit order seeks to dominate the world economy for the antichrist.
The Big Betrayal
Before Charles Chiniquy was born, his dad was studying to become a Roman Catholic priest in Canada. But he saw something happen in the Church that upset him so much, that he quit. He studied law and became a notary. As he was leaving the priesthood he was given a going-away present by a close friend. It was a beautiful French and Latin Bible. When Chiniquy was 5 years old his mom taught little Charles to read that Bible because there were no schools. Little did she know the profound influence that little book would have on her sons' life.
Charles Chiniquy wanted to obey and serve his church, but as he studied the scriptures, he became tormented as he learned that his church was wrong. It will break your heart as you learn how Catholics are being deceived into following a false religion. Chiniquy also reveals how Abraham Lincoln's legal assistance against the Jesuits set him up for his murder...
Chiniquy's story was originally published in the book he wrote (50 Years in the Church of Rome) and is now shortened and available in comic book format.
More info →The Life of Elijah
The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of preachers and writers in all ages. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, his departure from the earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. He comes in like a tempest, who went out like a whirlwind , says Bishop Hall; the first we hear from him is an oath and a threat . Judgement and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah s astonishing career.
It is fitting that the lessons which may be drawn from Elijah s ministry should be presented afresh to our generation. History repeats itself. The wickedness and idolatry rampant in Ahab s reign live in our gross 21st century s profanities and corruptions. False prophets occupy large spheres of influence and truths dear to our evangelical forefathers have been downtrodden as the mire in the streets. A.W. Pink clearly felt called to the task of smiting the ungodliness of the age with the rod of God s anger while at the same time encouraging the faithful remnant. With these objects he undertakes the exposition of Elijah s ministry and applies it to the contemporary situation.
More info →The Knowledge of the Holy
An Inspiring Classic on the Nature of God
What is the nature of God? How can we recapture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit? This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God's presence in our daily lives.
Informative and inspiring, The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God's attributes; from wisdom, to grace, to mercy; and shows through prayerful and insightful discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith. It bears eloquent witness to God's majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and the power of God's spirit in our daily lives.
More info →The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
The Bible singles out one disciple of Jesus as the one whom "Jesus loved" and The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved takes a closer look at what scripture says about this beloved disciple and the special role he played in the life of Jesus. It searches the scriptures in order to highlight the facts in the plain text of scripture that are usually overlooked about this "other disciple, whom Jesus loved." Although non-Bible sources may say that John was "the disciple whom Jesus loved," it turns out that idea cannot stand up to biblical scrutiny and the better Bible study method set forth in The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved challenges the reader to weigh the testimony of scripture regarding the one whom Jesus loved and to take seriously the biblical admonition, "prove all things."
Using nothing but the Bible, The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved will prove John could not have been the beloved disciple. It then goes on to present Bible facts that reveal the true identity of this other disciple and the one-of-a-kind gift from God that made him so unique. Get ready for a surprise because the answer to this mystery is in the Bible, hidden in plain sight!
More info →Fifty Years in the Church of Rome
Would he obey his church or his Bible?
Here is the heart-wrenching struggle of a man torn between his religion and Christ, between men's traditions and God's Word. As a child, Charles Chiniquy memorized Scriptures at his mother's knee. Longing to serve God, he became a Roman Catholic priest. He wanted to trust his "church", but was tormented as he watched it repeatedly violate the Word of God that it claimed to obey. Finally, Chiniquy was ordered to give up his precious Bible and pledge blind obedience to the "church." After a dark night of struggle, he emerged gloriously saved through faith in Christ.
Learn how he led almost his entire Catholic congregation to trust in Christ alone. See how his desire to please his Saviour caused conflicts with his Catholic superiors. Learn how he was framed by the Jesuits, and how a young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln saved his reputation. Chiniquy proves that it was the Jesuits who later killed Lincoln, and explains why. All Christians need to learn these important insights into the Catholic religion, written by one who lived within her walls for many years.
More info →How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
2010 Reprint of 1960 First Edition.This work consists of a series of lectures Tozer presented before his Church Congregation during a period of successive Sundays. Herein Tozer tackles the questions of "Who is the Holy Spirit" and "What is the Holy Spirit". Tozer then goes on to provide a detailed and meticulous account of precisely how one goes about being filled by the holy spirit.
More info →Renewing Your Mind: God’s Prescription for Wholeness
If you are tired of "proven" psychological advice and "guaranteed" self-help methods, this book is a refreshing change. Mona Johnian offers Gods solutions to damaging mental and emotional problems. Let God renew your mind with these divine prescriptions.
More info →Psychology and the Church: Critical Questions, Crucial Answers
So common is the use of psychotherapy among Christians today that many pastors themselves are either licensed therapists or are the greatest source of referrals to professional counselors. In addition, the study of psychology has become the number two-career choice for all college students; in fact, the popularity of this “science of the soul” is even greater among those enrolled in Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries from coast to coast. The purpose of this book is not to attack or condemn evangelicals who are either practicing psychotherapists or those who have been helped by what is commonly called “Christian Psychology.” Rather, this volume acknowledges the value of believers bearing one another’s burdens through prayer, fellowship, and the Word of God. Simultaneously, this compilation exposes—in a biblically incisive manner—underlying concerns that have plagued the evangelical community as a result of embracing what is tantamount to a counterfeit religious practice, woven into the fabric of contemporary Christianity. Some of the critical questions and crucial answers this book explores include: • From what ancient philosophical roots does psychology originate, and what are its modern fruits?
• Is psychology truly a “scientific” means by which the spiritual issues of mankind may be addressed?
• What does God’s Word prescribe as a remedy for the social ills of our culture, and is that alone sufficient for the Body of Christ?
• Can Christians effectively minister using Scripture and prayer by power of the Holy Spirit, or is professional training required?
• Is it possible for believers in Christ to “eat the fish and spit out the bones” with regard to psychology’s foundation in secular humanism?
• Can the mystic and occultic methodologies employed by secular psychotherapists be “sanctified” for practice by Christian counselors? • Does the wisdom of psychology point to the narrow way of biblical Christianity or toward the broad path that leads to destruction? • What understanding of “Self” can psychology bring to light that Scripture cannot?
Yoga and the Body of Christ
Promising to bring peace, healing, and wholeness (even prosperity!) to its practitioners, readers will be shocked to discover that yoga is, in fact, based on the worship of (and prepares participants for supernatural connection with) unholy spirits that manifest in extraordinary and dangerous ways. The author—an avid promoter of biblically based physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness—distinguishes pure truth from popular belief in this revealing expose. Every Christian should be informed of the true origins and effects of the practice of yoga and its ungodly roots in Kundalini energy—which, literally defined, means an awakening of the "Serpent Power."
More info →Seeking and Finding God
In Search of the True Faith Readers of Dave's book, An Urgent Call to A Serious Faith, will recognize and appreciate that this handy volume includes revised versions of the first eight chapters of that powerful work, plus an entirely new chapter, which together serve to make this a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship. It is astonishing how many millions of otherwise seemingly intelligent people are willing to risk their eternal destiny upon less evidence than they would require for buying a car or even a low-carb food item—yet the belief of so many, particularly in the area of religion, has no rational or factual foundation. With well-researched arguments and compelling proof, this book demonstrates that the issue of where one will spend eternity is not a matter of preference (like joining the Elks instead of the Lions). In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that we are eternal beings who will spend eternity somewhere. But where will it be? And how can we know? There is no more important question to be faced—and answered.
Table of Contents:
1. The Necessity of Certainty
2. Of God and Human Destiny
3. Of Bodies and Spirits
4. In Search of the True Faith
5. Concerning Prayer
6. Shortcut to Truth
7. What is the Gospel?
8. Mercy vs. Works
9. The Call to Discipleship
What Love Is This?: Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God
Berean Call is pleased to announce the publication of Dave Hunt's crucial critique of Calvinism—now in paperback! This fourth edition has a couple of noteworthy differences and advantages from the third hardcover edition. First of all, this important resource is now able to be distributed to Christian inmates (hardcover books are not permitted in prison). Second, in order to make the book more portable and affordable, chapters 30 and 31 (which presented the fictional but true-to-life account of "Al" and "Jan") have been extracted. The material from these two chapters is contained in a separate book: A Calvinist's Honest Doubts. Lastly, documentation and formatting have been fine-tuned to improve accuracy and readability. We trust that even more readers will be blessed by the availability and increased "share-ability" of this important work. Discussions with many people around the world reveal that multitudes of sincere, Bible-believing Christians are "Calvinists" only by default. It takes only a few simple questions to discover the fact that most of those who regard themselves as Calvinists are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practice. Nor do they fully understand what most of today's leading Calvinists believe. What Love Is This? exposes the true beliefs of Calvinism and addresses all the issues surrounding this doctrine.
Contents: 1. Why This Book?
2. Is Biblical Understanding Reserved for an Elite?
3. John Calvin and His Institutes
4. Calvinism's Surprising Catholic Connection
5. Irresistibly Imposed "Christianity"
6. Arminius, Dort, Westminster, and Five Points
7. Total Depravity
8. The Solemn Issue: God's Character
9. The Truth about Human Depravity
10. A Distorted Sovereignty
11. Sovereignty and Free Will
12. Foreknowledge and Man's Will
13. Erasmus and Luther in Debate
14. The Bondage of the Will?
15. Unconditional Election
16. Is Salvation Available to All?
17. Foreknowledge and Predestination/Election
18. Limited Atonement
19. Abusing God's Word
20. Understanding Pivotal Scriptures
21. More Pivotal Scriptures
22. Irresistible Grace
23. The Calvinist's Irresolvable Problem
24. When Grace Isn't Grace
25. Grace and Human Responsibility
26. Calvinism's Errors Are Serious
27. Persuasion, the Gospel, and God
28. When Is "Love" Not Love?
29. Perseverance of the Saints
Ancient Book of Enoch
The Holy Spirit inspired Jude to quote Enoch for a reason. The Ancient Book of Enoch opens by addressing those in the Tribulation period. It contains numerous prophecies about the flood and fire judgments and the two comings of the Messiah. It teaches that the Messiah is the son of God and that he will shed his blood to redeem us and even predicts the generation that this would occur!
The book of Enoch prophesies a window of time in which the "Second Coming" would occur and prophesies that there will be 23 Israeli Prime Ministers ruling in 58 terms from AD 1948 to the beginning of the Tribulation period and much more. Even though it prophecies that the Bible would be created and says we will be judged by our obedience to the Bible, it also makes it clear that this book is not to be added to the Canon of Scripture.
The Ancient Book of Enoch recounts the history of the angels that fell in the days of Jared, Enoch’s father. It testifies to their marriages with human women and their genetic experiments. This commentary includes a previously unknown chapter from the Dead Sea Scrolls that actually explains how they did their genetic tampering. The commentary is from a fundamentalist Christian view, brought to you by Biblefacts Ministries, biblefacts.org.
The Nonnegotiable Gospel
Most people are surprised to learn that the gospel contains nothing about baptism, church membership or attendance, tithing, sacraments or rituals, diet or clothing. In fact, if we add anything to the gospel, we have perverted it. So whether you are just checking out what the Bible has to say or whether you’ve been attending church for years, this booklet cuts through religious confusion. It contains no hidden agenda or clever doctrines of men. Instead, it invites the reader into a pure, personal relationship with Jesus Christ through an unadulterated understanding of God’s Word. This evangelistic booklet reveals the gem of the gospel in every clear-cut facet for anyone desiring a precise biblical definition of the gospel.
More info →The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days
The Bible clearly states that a great Apostasy must occur before Christ’s second coming. Today Christians are being deceived by a world view more subtle and more seductive than any before.
What are the dangers in the growing acceptance and practice of—
- positive and possibility thinking
- healing of memories
- self-help philosophies
- holistic medicine
The seduction of Christianity will not appear as a frontal assault or oppression of our religious beliefs. Instead, it will come as the latest fashionable philosophies offering to make us happier, healthier, better educated, and even more spiritual.
A compelling look at the times we live in. A clear call to every believer to choose between the original and the counterfeit. Only then can we hope to escape The Seduction of Christianity.
More info →A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days
Are you missing half the story about the last days? Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist―but he is only half the story. Many people are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy―a woman who rides the beast.
Who is this woman? Tradition says she is connected with the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with Protestants worldwide. “The Catholic church has changed” is what we hear.
Or has it? In A Woman Rides the Beast, prophecy expert Dave Hunt sifts through biblical truth and global events to present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist’s future empire. Eight remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman’s identity beyond any reasonable doubt.
A provocative account of what the Bible tells us is to come.