For those with poor eyesight I wrote the author needs to drop the i d from his name to get his real i d.
I will not be bowing to the image of the beast, it’s frightening already how many have.
Covered with every precious stone and wanting to place his cohorts in power without honoring God.
God’s SON’s honor is worth the world, that’s the bottom line!
This was a receipt presented to my stepfather from his lawyer. It was the total cost of my adoption. It was originally to be only 100 dollars but he needed a tie and the lawyer sold him his for an additional 25.00. I checked my appointed time out of curiosity on this. 12+29+19+59 Psalm 119 originally it was to be 100 dollars then the lawyer upped to 25 more.
Psalm 119:100- Psalm 119:125
I led my stepdad to Jesus Christ at the age of 67 and he will tell you when and if you get there, it was the best 125.00 he ever spent.
During the same decade 50’s, children were being taken from their mothers in Ireland and sold for upwards of 5000 dollars under the guise of donations made to the church. In today’s dollars, that’s $56,639.63. The link is to the story of over 60,000 children from just Ireland alone. Children sold to Rich Catholic families in America. Tithing who needs tithing when you can steal babies and sell them. Then use that money to enforce more wickedness into the land by investing it in the war machine. Some of these children because their step-parents were not born again because they were Catholic suffered abuse. It is one thing to know your parents and suffer abuse but adoption and abuse is a whole lower level. Its rejection compounded.
Dave Hunt Psalms 128:1-6 and Jack Chick Proverbs 11:30 are two others who made the Appointed Times List.
Glad to be awake
Brother Abel
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